Bringing it all together
As well as assessing the need for intermediate rent based on householder circumstances, an evaluation of the housing market rental structure also needs to be undertaken. This involves comparing weekly market rent, local housing allowance and benchmark rent with local household incomes to identify the scope in the market to introduce intermediate rental products. The next tutorial provides an overview to carry out such an assessment.
Step 1 - Assessing the scope for intermediate rent
Due to the level of moves to, from and within the social rented sector, an assessment of turnover needs to be conducted. This is a valuable independent exercise to assess the social rented stock as it currently stands. However, turnover percentages are also vital to fetter the final social rented need calculation which will be shown in the next step. This tutorial shows how to assess turnover at ward level.
Step 2 – Social rent turnover analysis
Total calculation sheets

The various other spread sheets you have been working on should now be totalled together to calculate the overall housing need figure for your local authority. However, it is important to note that following these tutorials has not merely allowed you to arrive at an overall housing need calculation. In fact, the various steps that you have undertaken have also allowed you to develop a greater understanding of the housing market in your local authority overall and it is important that key data from each step is drawn out and analysed separately within your final LHMA. You may also wish to supplement this with primary survey work to better understand householder preferences and key equality groups. These four final tutorials show you how to calculate the social housing, LCHO and intermediate rent need for your local authority.
Step 1 – Social Housing Calculation sheet
Step 2 – LCHO calculation sheet
Step 3 - Intermediate rent calculation sheet